Venexus scanned
Miserak, Smasheon, and Venexus being scanned
Venexus in his first appearance
Venexus vs Preyas and Drago
Venexus' laser cannons
Amazon and Preyas holding Venexus back
Zenthon punching Venexus
Venexus being tackled by Zenthon.
Venexus, Smasheon, and Miserak
Venexus and Miserak
Venexus being grabbed by Zenthon Titan
Venexus firing a laser beam
Venexus beaten down by Zenthon
Venexus's shield
Venexus about to fire his lasers
Venexus being contained by Taylean
Venexus on the intermission screen
Venexus, Smasheon, and Deezall landing in Bakugan Interspace
Venexus, Smasheon, and Deezall charging their attack
Combat Venexus
Darkus Venexus
Aquos Venexus - European Packaging
Haos Venexus