
From The Bakugan Wiki

Local Heroes

202 bytes added, 01:18, 31 July 2019
Dan and Drago are battling [[Lightning]] and [[Howlkor]] when Drago is launched back, and in his ball form, breaks a house's window. While all this is happening, a mysterious woman is seen watching Dan.
At Dan's home, Drago takes the blame for the window breaking, but Dan takes credit for it too. The doorbell rings and a woman called [[Kravitz|Ms. Kravitz]] introduces herself as the Kouzo family's new neighbor. She tells [[Bill Kouzo|Bill]] and [[Barbara Kouzo|Barbara]] Kouzo that Bakugan are a menace and that they should be banned.. Bill Kouzo says banning them might go Bakugan may be going too far, but Kravitz says they should rethink, using some uses a strange device that caused to cause Drago to go into his large Bakugan Form. Barbara , destroying the house and Bill are shocked and wonder what Dan is doingcausing the Kouzo family to doubt their previous thoughts.
The next day “Ban Bakugan” "Ban Bakugan" posters start begin showing uparound [[Los Volmos]], noticed by which Dan, Wynton, and Lianotice. In one scene Later, Trox and Gorthion battle are brawling and Trox is told told to roll up, Trox’s ball form ends up launched near a car but Trox suddenly turns transforms back to Ball Form to prevent damage. Suddenly, Trox's Ball Form malfunctions and Trox transforms into Bakugan Form and messes up , damaging the car. In another scene (Wynton wonders how)Afterwards, Lia is getting ordering a cake with Gorthion when Gorthion he suddenly turns from ball Ball Form to Bakugan Form again. These incidents cause the civilians to riot begin distrusting Bakugan, and they start a protest to ban Bakugan due to the incidents. Additionally, battling they declare brawling in the park is banned, the AO look for another place but they find out that others had the same idea, so they must line up. Kravitz shows up again and bans Bakugan battling in the location. In the AO HQ Lia talks about how they are losing followers because they haven’t been able to post videos due to the ban of Bakugan. They try to recreate a monster movie like video but Kravitz uses her device around the neighborhood to turn Bakugan from ball to Bakugan Form. This causes the neighborhood to rise up again due to the damage, Kravitz says all Bakugan are banned again for good, Bill and Barbara agree this was the last stand, and the AO are forced to hand their Bakugan away to Kravitz.
Because of this sudden change, the Awesome Ones look for another place to brawl, but discover that all the other brawlers have had the same idea, with everyone trying to brawl in one location. Kravitz shows up once again and declares that Bakugan brawling is banned in this location as well. At [[Studio D]], Lia worries that they are losing ViewTube followers because of the Bakugan ban. They try to recreate a dioramic movie using the Bakugan in ball forms, but Kravitz, hidden in the brush, again forces the Bakugan into their full Bakugan forms. This causes the neighborhood to rise up again because of the damage, and Kravitz declares that all Bakugan are banned again for good, to which the entire neighborhood agrees. Meanwhile, a gray haired man ([[Benton) Dusk]] watches the scene of Kravitz taking away the Bakugan from the AOAwesome Ones, and he causes a satellite to fallout of its orbit and head towards Los Volmos. This is reported [[Veronica Venegas]] reports on this, altering the television, Awesome Ones. Lia and Wynton pack up quickly to evacuate, but Dan believes they can use the Bakugan to save Los Volmos the city. As Kravitz starts walking away to leave is leaving Los Volmos not caring about the satellite, but she is confronted by the AO, Kravitz and refuses to give it the Bakugan back and . In this confrontation, she accidentally drops her the devicethat has been messing with the Bakugan, activating the Bakuganinside her case. This shows reveals the truth, that she is using a device to control the forms of the Bakugan . Kravitz flees, and force them into the Awesome Ones begin using their Bakugan Form, Kravitz runs away. The AO go to stop the satellite to help evacuate everyone from people out of the city. Meanwhile, Dan and Drago fly towards the weather falling satellite to destroy it, and Drago uses Twisting Inferno and saves the day by , destroying the satellite. The AO has saved After the day, and especially because of their Bakugan. Barbara city is glad Dan is safesaved, everyone tears they see the Bakugan ban posters after realizing truth about the Bakugan are good , and saved tear down the cityanti-Bakugan propaganda. MeanwhileBack at their base, Kravitz reports to a woman named [[Philomena Dusk|Ms. Philomena]], explaining how she had everything according to plan until the satellite started to fall. Philomena tells explains to Kravitz that the AO Awesome Ones may be causing her more trouble than she thought.