From The Bakugan Wiki
{{BQuote|It doesn't matter what you guys throw at us. Marucho and I will never be beaten; because we've got a solid bond like you two creeps have never seen before! Not to mention, we're fighting with the incredible might of [[Aquos (Legacy)|Aquos]] power!|'''Radizen''' to [[Worton]] and [[Balista]]|''[[Combination Impossible]]''|color = blue}}
{{Infobox Bakugan
|image = [[File:SubterraRadizen_BakuFusion.png|250px]]
==Physical Game==
Radizen has been seen in all Attributes except [[Haos]]. The [[Ventus]] version has 810 [[G Power|Gs]], the [[Pyrus (Legacy)|Pyrus]] version has 1100 Gs, and the [[Pyrus (Legacy)|Pyrus]] version that comes in the [[BakuTrinity]] has 950 Gs, the [[Subterra]] version has 940 Gs, the [[Aquos (Legacy)|Aquos]] version has 850 Gs, the [[Darkus]] [[Baku Lava Storm]] version has 1000 Gs, and the Pyrus [[Baku Camo Surge]] version has 1020 Gs.