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The Exit Team

102 bytes added, 03:19, 9 March 2021
This group uses used codenames related to operatives rank, with [[Aay]] being the leader, and [[E]] being the lowest ranked member. Each member was equipped owned with a [[Mantonoid]] of different [[Faction|Factions]].
In ''[[A Real Steal]]'', aside from Aay, the Exit Team's other members were replaced with [[China Riot]], [[Kurin]], [[Strata the Hunter]] and [[Magnus Black]], who became the group's new leader. [[Dee]] was also shown as a newscaster in the same episode, where they were volunteering for various acts that helped the city of [[Los Volmos]], such as rescuing citizens and other good deeds. They also said to stop the eruption of a volcano when in actuality they were the ones who caused it to erupt, as a sort of exercise, as stated by Aay. The Exit Team faced off against The Awesome Ones in ''[[The Throw Down]]'', but in the end, Dan defeated Magnus, the last member standing.
In ''[[A Devil on Your ShoulderCareer Opportunities]]'', [[Col. Armstrong TrippPhilomena Dusk]] reveals that all members of the Exit Team were fired from AAAnimus Incafter the events of the previous episode. This was aslo confirmed by [[Col.Armstrong Tripp]] later in ''[[A Devil on Your Shoulder]]'' Description===
"A corporate-sponsored group of hired Kid Battlers (14-16), the EXIT are both well-equipped and more ruthless than our heroes. They might seem cool at first glance— with [[AAANIMUS]] funding helping their hip and well-produced internet vids garner a certain level of 'pop' fame— but they are actually cold-blooded. Created as a foil to the natural groundswell the [[Awesome Ones]] have created, the EXIT— lead by AAANIMUS's marketing team— look to twist their notoriety into a corporate-friendly image that serves [[Philomena Dusk|Philomena]]'s goal of world domination. With the appearance of a twisted pop band, the members of the Exit are ranked A through E... Which also happen to be their names. Aay is the leader of the Exit. [[Bee]] is second in command, followed by [[Cee]], Dee, and E. They are mercenary and all about the money. The Exit are the top kid battlers in AAAnimus with the exception of..."