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Bakugan: Rise of the Resistance
When they arrived to the Lake, the [[Battle Brawlers]] were pursuing Asteria to their base, Asteria tried to block them, but they still managed to catch her, Asteria then challenged them to a battle, but she loose and scaped to their base, the Brawlers followed her and they encountered with [[Dr. Xeron]], the Hurranian top scientist and Eva's ex-boss, who wanted to punish Eva for her betrayal challenging them to a battle, when he lost, the Brawlers followed him to their hidden Hurranian base, when they encountered an Hurranian Guard that was guarding the secret base, the guard brawled against them, but he was unevitablely defeated, and when he scaped, they were obstaculized by the water, and the only way to go through it was with an Aquos DNA fragment for [[Elfin]], and Eva knew exactly were to find it.
When they returned, [[Marucho]], with the help of Elfin, had the ability to walk on the water, and they could finally found the secret base on the Lake, and when they finally found it, they discovered that the Hurranian empire was planning to use six armies of Replicated Bakugan to invade Vestal, something to wich Mira didn't agreed at all, and they tried to stop them, but Asteria got in the way and battled them, so they had no choice than defeat her, and after her lost, Mira pushed [[AteriaAsteria]] towards the portal, and aked Marucho if he could redirect the portal towards [[Vestal]], to wich he did.
When she returned, she brought back [[Baron]] and [[Nemus]], [[Resistance]]'s old members to join them in the battle, but just after Baron's arrival, Typhoon interrupted them, and challenged the new Brawler to a battle, and when he was defeated, he used his fake Taylean to destroy the base's dimensional transporter for them not to follow Dr. Xeron, and the Barwlers had no choice than track Xeron's signal from Eva's ship.