
From The Bakugan Wiki

Dragonoid (Generation 3)

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Dragonoid is a 10-ft tall red dragon with fiery scales and massive wings. He originates from the Vestroian Star System, and was said to be one of the most powerful Bakugan from there. Although he was strong, he wasn't into going into to war against all the other [[Clan|species]]. He believed they should accept each other 's differences and come together, but not everyone agreed so a war broke out. Drago was completely silenced by his biggest rival, [[Nillious (Generation 3)|Nillious]], who wanted war. When the war caused a rip in space -time, Drago was part of the first wave of Bakugan to crash into land onto Earth, this is when he met his best friend [[Dan Kouzo (Generation 3)|Dan Kouzo]]. Together he and Dan's his friends alongside their Bakugan formed a clan called the Misfit Clan that accepts everybody's differences just like Drago he wanted at home. He and Dan are always ready to jump into action when needed due to their strong bond.