Hurranian Secret Base

From The Bakugan Wiki
Secret base entrance on the Lake.png

The Hurranian Secret Base is a secret base on the Lake and is used as the base of operations for the Hurranian soldiers.

Bakugan: Rise of the Resistance

The base was first seen when Asteria's was scolding Ceros, because he wasn't able to retrieve Eva, and later send Typhoon for her.

Later, when Eva placed a tracking device on Typhoon's back when he was trying to escape, they found that the Hurranian soldiers had a secret base hidden on the Lake. When they finally arrived there, they found out that after the Hurranians invade New Vestroia, they were going to invade Vestal next. The Brawlers were not going to let this happen, so Mira, using the base's dimensional portal, brought back an old friend to help them.

After Baron and Nemus joined the Brawlers again, Typhoon destroyed the dimensional portal and the Hurranians abandoned the base, so they had no choice than track them from Eva Ship.
