BakuBlog/Battle Tactics Issue 2

Greetings brawlers! Welcome to the second issue of Battle Tactics with BrightLight!
I'm very pleased to share with you one of the most fundamental strategies to keep in mind for your next brawl. Sometimes starting off with your best foot forward can propel you to the winner's circle and there's no better time like the present to get started and improve your strategy just in time for BakuCon NYC.
Bakugan brawl!
Gate Card Placement, Tip #2: Early Placement
Some Gate cards can be best used when played early in the game. When you are playing one of these cards, be sure to put it out first and have a plan for what you want to do when you engage in battle on it. A great early placement card is the Copper Gate Card, ‘Rattleoid'. Battling on this card early in the game puts your enemy in an odd situation where they have to dump a bunch of Ability Cards or hold on to them allowing you to get some mega G-Power bonuses. This can be particularly devastating when brawling with the Big Game rules!

As you can see, timing can be everything, so I hope you'll take this strategy and use it as part of your moves to defeat your opponents!
Thank you for checking out my latest tip and be sure to catch next month's Battle Tactic here on!
And If you have a strategy that you would like to share with me for a future article, send your tip to with the following subject line - "Battle Tactics with Bright Light: My Strategy Tip"!
Brawl on!
~ BrightLight