BakuBlog/Battle Tactics Issue 3

From The Bakugan Wiki
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Hello again brawlers! Welcome to the third installment of Battle Tactics with BrightLight!

Last month I focused on early placement of specific Gate Cards, so this month I would like to focus on the opposite strategy, late placement. As I'm about to explain, timing is crucial and knowing your Gate Cards well enough to decide when to place them can give you the winning edge.

Gate Card Set!

Gate Card Placement, Tip #3: Late Placement

Some Gate cards are clearly best when played late in the game. Cards like Naga or Oberus are obvious examples. These cards give a bonus for each Ability, or Gate card, in EVERY used pile, an affect that will have a much bigger results when placed later in the game.

Additionally, this strategy can be ridiculously powerful in a 4-player game as the number of used piles and total used cards are up to twice as many as a regular brawl.

So get to know your Gate Cards, and strategize to get the maximum benefit from their affects by thinking about timing.

BA312 GA naga 21d.png

I hope that this month's tip will help you in the battlefield, and I look forward to sharing another tip with you next month!

If you have a strategy that you would like to share with me for a future article, send your tip to with the following subject line - "Battle Tactics with Bright Light: My Strategy Tip"!

Brawl on!

~ BrightLight