BakuBlog/Battle Tactics Issue 5

From The Bakugan Wiki
Battle Tactics logo.png

Moving right along with Battle Gear, one of your first decisions when creating your “team” will be choosing your Battle Gear. Now, this can be a fairly simple task, so let's take a look at your options.


When you're getting ready to play, you can choose up to two Battle Gear and/or two Bakugan Trap. This means you can pick two Battle Gear, OR two Bakugan Trap, OR one Battle Gear and one Trap.

So which Battle Gear do you choose?

You could just pick the highest G-Power Battle Gear that you have, but using Battle Gear that matches the attributes of your Bakugan can be great too, even if that gear doesn't have the highest G-Power.

Besides choosing by G-Power, you may want to consider your strategy using your Bakugan attribute(s).

One strategy is to play with all Bakugan of the same attribute: all Ventus or all Sub Terra, for example. Or, since each Battle Gear has special abilities for two different attributes, you can mix and match Bakugan with two different attributes and still get to use the special abilities on your Battle Gear Reference Cards.

Another advantage to picking a two-attribute combo of Bakugan is that you'll have more flexibility during play. You'll be able to pick which of your Bakugan to roll based on which of the Battle Gear's abilities you want!

BG Twin Destructor.png

Choose wisely. Create your ultimate combo. Devastate your opponent.

For more information on how to use Battle Gear, visit the Bakugan Gameplay FAQ here.

With so many options, feel free to experiment with different combinations and soon you'll hone in on the Battle Gear strategy that works best for your Bakugan “team”!

Tune in next month for my next battle strategy tip and if you have a strategy that you would like to share with me for a future article, send your tip to with the following subject line - "Battle Tactics with Bright Light: My Strategy Tip!”

Brawl on!
