From The Bakugan Wiki
'''Mechanical Bakugan''' are [[Bakugan]] that were created artificially in labs by the Vexos, namely [[Clay Fermin|Professor Clay]]. These Bakugan have a mechanical appearance, and resemble mechanized animals. After their creation and their prototype, the first Mechanical Bakugan, [[Ventus (Legacy)|Ventus]] [[Altair]] had its bugs worked out, Mechanical Bakugan became commonplace in the [[Vexos]] with several of the brawlers having Mechanical [[Guardian Bakugan]] and the majority of them having Mechanical [[Bakugan Trap]]s.
Early Mechanical Bakugan tend to spin like a top when they are thrown unlike normal [[Bakugan]] which roll like a ball when being thrown. These Mechanical Bakugan have spinning rings inside their body in their [[Bakugan]] form; Examples include [[Altair]], [[Hades]] and [[Cyborg Helios]].