A Feud Between Friends (manga)

From The Bakugan Wiki
A Feud Between Friends
A Feud Between Friends cover.jpg
Author Cartoon Network
Publisher Del Rey
Release Date October 27, 2009
ISBN 978-0345520210
Pages 96
Previous The Masquerade Ball
Next Dan and Drago

Bakugan Battle Brawlers 3: A Feud Between Friends is the third Original English Language (OEL) manga volume and an adaption of the third Bakugan Battle Brawlers episode of the same name. It details the Battle Brawlers' rivalry with Rikimaru.

Official Description[edit]

"When the shadowy figure known as Masquerade enlists the battle-hungry Rikimaru in his fight against Dan Kuso and his Bakugan, Drago, things get ugly. This new foe is no pushover, and Dan and Drago are in for an intense and dangerous battle. Worst of all, they can't seem to agree on the best battle strategy! Can they learn to work together as a team to overcome their rival, or will their division lead to defeat?"