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Category:Gate Cards with effect
From The Bakugan Wiki
Pages in category "Gate Cards with effect"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 400 total.
(previous page) (next page)A
- About Face
- Adamantine Seal
- Aeroblitz's Home
- AG Anvil
- AG Bellows
- AG Forge
- AG Island
- AG Lab
- AG Mountain
- AG Plains
- AG Ring
- AG Steam
- Aksela (Card)
- Akwimos (Card)
- Akwimos' Focus
- Altair (Card)
- Alto Brontes (Card)
- Anger Rooms
- Anger's Gate
- Apollonir (Card)
- Aranaut's Turf
- Atmos (Card)
- AU Bellows
- AU Forge
- AU Island
- AU Mountain
- AU Plains
- Avior (Card)
- Calming Earth
- Carbon Seal
- Card Force (2/15a)
- Card Force (22/48)
- Catch-Up
- Cave Party
- Charging Ground
- Cheering Section
- Cheering Section (HEX・Cheers)
- Chum
- Clayf (Card)
- Cleansing Fire
- Color Mix
- Construction Gate
- Construction Gate (Japanese Card)
- Copper Axe
- Copper Lance
- Copper Shot
- Copper Spear
- Copper Sword
- Core Strength
- Coredem (Japanese Card)
- Coredem's Turf
- Crelos
- Cruel Defeat
- Crushing Blow
- CU Anvil
- CU Bellows
- CU Forge
- CU Island
- CU Lab
- CU Mountain
- CU Plains
- CU Ring
- CU Steam
- Cursed Field
- Cursed Landfill
- Cursed Mirror
- Cycloid (Card)
- Darak in Gariable
- Dark Crow inviting the Blackness
- Dark Earth
- Dark Pressure
- Dark Reflection
- Dark Side
- Dark Tunnel
- Darkened Fury
- Darkness Chamber
- Dead Zone
- Destroy Trilingual
- Dharak's Turf
- Doom Field
- Doom Zone
- Double Big
- Double Duty
- Double Ground
- Double Jump
- Double Pow
- Double Shot
- Drag
- Drago's Turf
- Dragonoid (10/48e)
- Dragonoid (Japanese Card)
- Dragonoid Nexus
- Drain Color
- Drain Power
- Drip
- Dual Elfin (Card)
- Dual Snap
- Duck & Win
- Dusty
- G-Power Exchange (19/48)
- G-Power Exchange (22/48b)
- G-Power Swap
- Gaia-Warp
- Galeforce
- Gargonoid (Card)
- Garvarion
- Gate Mantha
- Gear Magnet
- Gear Void
- Gif Jinryu (Card)
- Glamour Gate
- Gloomicron
- Glowing Reset (19/24j)
- Glowing Reset (20/48h)
- Golden Axe
- Golden Lance
- Golden Shot
- Golden Spear
- Golden Sword
- Gorem (1/15a)
- Gorem (18/48b)
- Grain of Sand
- Grand Exchange
- Gravity
- Gravity Ring
- Green Drain