Jigen Deck
From The Bakugan Wiki
Jigen Deck (ジゲンデッキ, Jigen Dekki?) (Catalogue Number BTD-09) is a set released in the BakuTech Series.
It contains one Pyrus Jigen Dragaon, one Pyrus Let's Gao, one Pyrus En Glide, three Gate Cards, and six Ability Cards.
Bakugan Included[edit]
Cards Included[edit]
Gate Cards:
- Gold: Team Jigen Dragaon
- Silver: Gathering of the Three Dragons' Flame
- Copper: My Stand +200
Ability Cards:
- Red: Third Dimension Enforcement Battle, Second Dimension Extremity
- Blue: Jigen Bind NOW!!, Roar! Gaou!
- Green: Flaming Magnetism 500, Bind! Jiba Dragaon
Pyrus Jigen Dragaon (open)