Terratomic Overdrive

From The Bakugan Wiki
Terratomic Overdrive (#66)
Terratomic Overdrive ENG 66 AR FF.png
+100 Icon-power.png for each Energy card you have in play.

Boost: +1 Icon-damage.png for each Energy card you have in play.

Series: Armored Alliance
Card Type: Action

link=Bakugan Aquos/Ventus

Energy: 3 Battle Planet Energy Symbol.png
Set: Fusion Force
Serial: 66_AR_FF
Rarity: Awesome Rare
Artist: Unknown

Featured With[edit]


  • The Boost effect on this card does not state the effect's requirement. While not officially ruled, it is reasonable to assume that the Boost effect requires seven Energy cards to be in play, as per its contemporaries.