Aquos Nillious (Battle Brawlers)

From The Bakugan Wiki
Revision as of 22:25, 24 February 2019 by Abce2 (talk | contribs)
BBP Aquos.svg Nillious
Nillious (Aquos Card) 291 CC BB.png
Battle Planet MagicShield Symbol.png: +200 Icon-power.png and +2 FrostStrike Icon.png (Opposing Flip Cards cost 1 Battle Planet Energy Symbol.png more for each point of FrostStrike on this Bakugan on Victor) (FrostStrike)
Card Type: Character
Series: [[{{{series}}}]]



{{Battle Planet Magic Shield BakuCore.png}}

{{Battle Planet Shield BakuCore.png}}

B-Power: Icon-power.png 300
Damage: 4 Icon-damage.png
Set: Battle Brawlers (Card set)
Serial: 291_CC_BB
Artist: Unknown
Base (Does Not Exist)  • Epic (Does Not Exist)

Hyper (Does Not Exist)  • Titan (Does Not Exist)  • Maximus (Does Not Exist)

Diamond (Does Not Exist)

[[Category:{{{series}}} Cards]] [[Category:Aquos Cards ({{{series}}})]] [[Category:Character Cards ({{{series}}})]] [[Category:Character Cards with Battle Planet Magic Shield BakuCore.png and Battle Planet Shield BakuCore.png BakuCores]]

Featured With

Aquos Nillious in Bakugan form