Category:Bakugan: New Vestroia cards
From The Bakugan Wiki
This is a list of cards that were released during the run of Bakugan: New Vestroia.
This category has only the following subcategory.
Pages in category "Bakugan: New Vestroia cards"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 640 total.
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- A Flash to Destroy Evil
- Abbot's Cavern
- Abisomega
- Abisomega (U14/18tF)
- Ace and Baron
- Adamantine Seal
- Alpha Percival Cyclone (Card)
- Altair (C12/18tF)
- Altair (Card)
- Altair (U12/18tF)
- Alto Brontes (Card)
- Aluze (C12/12tS)
- Aluze (C14/14tT)
- Aluze (R7/7tS)
- Aluze (S14/14rF)
- Aluze (U12/12rF)
- Aluze (U12/12tS)
- Anchorsaur (U17/18tF)
- Anemoy's Call
- Anger Rooms
- Anger's Gate
- Aqua Cyclone
- Aquos Hex
- Aquos Hex (Japanese Card)
- Armored March
- Ashen Gate
- Atlantic Arena
- Atmos (C18/18tF)
- Atmos (Card)
- Atmos (U18/18tF)
- Autumn Gate
- Baked Soil
- Balance Echo
- Baliton (Card)
- Baliton Shoot
- Banish Trickery
- Bathed in Light
- Bathed in Light (A15/45tT)
- Bathed in Light (Japanese Card)
- Baxter Sea
- Beneficial Wind
- Biginer's Luck
- Blast Storm
- Blindfold Gate
- Blinding Reflection
- Blinding Reflection (Japanese Card)
- Blowback
- Blue Drain
- Blue Flame
- Blue-Green Combine (Japanese Card)
- Book Of Power 1
- Book Of Power 2
- Book Of Power 3
- Brachium (25/27ma)
- Brachium Shoot
- Bracing Gate
- Bright Earth
- Bright Earth (Japanese Card)
- Bright Eyes
- Bright Torch
- Bright Torch (Japanese Card)
- Brilliant Night
- Brontes (Card)
- Brontes (U10/18tF)
- Bronz Launcher
- Bronze Boost
- Building Blocks
- Building Gate
- Bumpy Road
- Burning Dragon (7/16gl)
- Burning Dragon (V1/12tS)
- Call of the Defenders
- Call of the Hex
- Carbon Seal
- Carpus Crypt
- Cave Party
- Cavern Portal
- Char the Earth
- Char The Earth (Japanese Card)
- Cheering Section
- Cheering Section (HEX・Cheers)
- Clean House
- Clean House (Japanese Card)
- Clean River
- Clean Woods
- Cleansing Fire
- Clear River
- Cloud Burst
- Colorstorm
- Construction Gate
- Construction Gate (Japanese Card)
- Copper Boost
- Copper Launcher
- Counter Trap Alpha
- Counter Trap Alpha (Japanese Card)
- Counter Trap Beta
- Crelos
- Cross Dragonoid (C1/12tS)
- Cross Dragonoid (P3/3rF)
- Cross Dragonoid (S1/1rF)
- Cross Dragonoid (S1/5tS)
- Cross Dragonoid (U1/12tS)
- Crush Tears with Dan
- Crush Under Foot
- Cursed Mirror
- Cyborg Helios (C7/12tS)
- Cyclone Dragonoid (Card)
- Cyclone Percival (Card)
- Dark Hole
- Dark Hole (Japanese Card)
- Dark Hound (Card)
- Dark Hound Shoot
- Dark Snap
- Dark Stone
- Dark Tunnel
- Dark Wind
- Dark-On Driver (8/16gl)
- Dark-Power Boost (BA19)
- Dark-Power Boost (BAP13)
- Darkness Chamber
- Darkness Gate
- Darkus Hex
- Darkus Hex (Japanese Card)
- Dartaak (Card)
- Deadly Drive number 6
- Deadly Lync Volan Number 6
- Death From Above
- Deep Cave
- Deep Roots
- Deep Tan
- Deep Well
- Dire Reaper
- Distracting Friend
- Double Switch
- Double Trap
- Drag
- Dragonoid (10/48e)
- Dragonoid (13/16gl)
- Dragonoid (Japanese Card)
- Dragonoid (P1/3tL)
- Dragonoid (P2/3rF)
- Dragonoid (S1/2tF)
- Dragonoid (U1/18tF)
- Dragonoid Crush
- Dragonoid Nexus
- Dragonoid Vortex (Japanese Card)
- Drain Color
- Dual Elfin (Card)
- Dual Elfin Revolution (Card)
- Dust and Light
- Dust Devil
- Dusty Sparkle
- Dynamo (Drone Spider)
- Dynamo Charge!
- Dynamo Drop!
- Dynamo Shoot
- Falcon Fly (2/4ac)
- Falcon Fly (Japanese Card)
- Fear of the Unique
- Fencer (21/27ma)
- Fencer Back
- Field of Dread
- Field of Flames
- Fiery Sunset
- Fire Blade
- Fire Mana
- Fire Scorpion (3/4ai)
- Fire Stone
- Fire Swamp Gate
- Fire-Power Boost
- Flame Arena
- Flame Portal
- Flare Wilda (Card)
- Flares
- Flash Attack
- Flash Falconfly
- Flash Ingram (4/7sa)
- Flux Chamber
- Flybeetle (C15/18tF)
- Flybeetle (U15/18tF)
- Flybeetle Rescue
- Fortress (Card)
- Fortress (Japanese Card)
- Foxbat (20/27ma)
- Foxbat Back
- Freedom's Fire
- Freedom's Land
- Freedom's Light
- Freedom's Shadow
- Freedom's Wave
- Freedom's Wind
- Freeze Weave
- Freezer (Card)