Diamond Pegatrix x Goreene Ultra (Shields of Vestroia)

From The Bakugan Wiki
BBP Diamond.svg Diamond Pegatrix x Goreene Ultra
Diamond Pegatrix x Goreene Ultra (Haos Card) ENG 138 RA SV.png
Battle Planet FlamingFist Symbol.png: +700 Icon-power.png
Series: Armored Alliance
Card Type: Evo

link=Bakugan Haos/Aurelus

Evolved From: Haos Aurelus Pegatrix x Goreene Ultra
B-Power: Icon-power.png1200
Damage: 10 Icon-damage.png
Energy: 6 Battle Planet Energy Symbol.png
Set: Shields of Vestroia
Serial: 138_RA_SV
Rarity: Rare
Artist: Unknown
Base  • Epic (Does Not Exist)

Hyper (Does Not Exist)  • Titan (Does Not Exist)  • Maximus (Does Not Exist)


Featured With[edit]


  • For the purposes of deck building, this card does not count as Aurelus, and only requires Haos Pegatrix & Goreene Ultra to be put in a deck.
  • The window showing what Bakugan Diamond Pegatrix x Goreene Ultra evolves from displays card art corresponding to the cancelled Haos Aurelus Pegatrix x Goreene Core. For the purposes of the TCG, this card has been specified to evolve from the Haos Aurelus Pegatrix x Goreene Ultra Character Card from Fusion Force, despite the art being different.