Pegatrix x Goreene

From The Bakugan Wiki
Pegatrix x Goreene

Haos Aurelus Pegatrix x Goreene Ultra (Open).png

BAA-Pegatrix x Aurelus anime.png

Faction link=Bakugan Haos/Aurelus
Variations Pegatrix
Pegatrix x Gillator
Pegatrix x Goreene
Neo Pegatrix
Nova Pegatrix
Baku-Gear Golden Haos Lasers
Power 800 Bs
First appearance Run! A Storm's on the Way
Voiced by Kaori Natsuka (JP)
Fusion of Pegatrix + Goreene

Pegatrix x Goreene, Pegatrix x Aurelus (ペガトリクス×オーレラス, Pegatorikusu Ōrerasu?) in the anime, is a Fusion Bakugan that is made up of Pegatrix and Goreene. It appears in Bakugan: Armored Alliance. It was first seen at the 2020 New York Toy Fair in both Core and Ultra forms, though the Core form was cancelled and never released.




Bakugan: Armored Alliance[edit]

Bakugan: Legends[edit]

Through the power of the Nova Light, Pegatrix x Goreene was accessible without requiring Goreene's presence.

Physical Game[edit]

Armored Alliance[edit]

Although printed for release in Bakugan: Armored Alliance, and initially being slated for release as an international exclusive Bakugan, Pegatrix x Goreene Core never saw release. It is therefore one of the few Bakugan molds from Generation 2 that reached final printing that never saw release, alongside Neo Howlkor, Neo Wrath, and Skullor.


Pegatrix x Goreene Bakulog
Card Image Faction B-Power Damage Rating Paired BakuCores Included In Base Bakugan

Pegatrix x Goreene (Haos Card) ENG 183a CC FF.png

Pegatrix x Goreene (Haos Aurelus Card) ENG 183b CC FF.png

???.png link=Bakugan Haos/Aurelus

500 Icon-power.png

1000 Icon-power.png

4 Icon-damage.png

6 Icon-damage.png

Battle Planet Magic Shield BakuCore.pngBattle Planet Flaming Fist BakuCore.png Haos Pegatrix
Aurelus Goreene

Pegatrix x Goreene Ultra Bakulog
Card Image Faction B-Power Damage Rating Paired BakuCores Included In Base Bakugan

Pegatrix x Goreene Ultra (Pyrus Card) ENG 194a CC FF.png

Pegatrix x Goreene Ultra (Pyrus Card) ENG 194b CC FF.png

Pyrus Aurelus Pegatrix x Goreene Ultra (Open).png link=Bakugan Pyrus/Aurelus

600 Icon-power.png

700 Icon-power.png

2 Icon-damage.png

3 Icon-damage.png

BakuCore Helix Symbol.pngBakuCore Helix Symbol.png Pyrus Pegatrix
Aurelus Goreene

Pegatrix x Goreene Ultra (Aquos Card) ENG 156a CC FF.png

Pegatrix x Goreene Ultra (Aquos Card) ENG 156b CC FF.png

Aquos Aurelus Pegatrix x Goreene Ultra (Open).png link=Bakugan Aquos/Aurelus

400 Icon-power.png

1500 Icon-power.png

3 Icon-damage.png

8 Icon-damage.png

Battle Planet Flaming Fist BakuCore.pngBakuCore Helix Symbol.png Aquos Pegatrix
Aurelus Goreene

Pegatrix x Goreene Ultra (Haos Card) ENG 184a CC FF.png

Pegatrix x Goreene Ultra (Haos Card) ENG 184b CC FF.png

Haos Aurelus Pegatrix x Goreene Ultra (Open).png link=Bakugan Haos/Aurelus

700 Icon-power.png

900 Icon-power.png

3 Icon-damage.png

5 Icon-damage.png

Battle Planet Flaming Fist BakuCore.pngBattle Planet Fist BakuCore.png Haos Pegatrix
Aurelus Goreene

Pegatrix x Goreene Ultra (Ventus Card) ENG 210a CC SV.png

Pegatrix x Goreene Ultra (Ventus Card) ENG 210b CC SV.png

Ventus Aurelus Pegatrix x Goreene Ultra (Open).png link=Bakugan Ventus/Aurelus

700 Icon-power.png

1300 Icon-power.png

1 Icon-damage.png

13 Icon-damage.png

Battle Planet Shield BakuCore.pngBattle Planet Flaming Fist BakuCore.png Ventus Pegatrix
Aurelus Goreene

Pegatrix x Goreene Ultra (Darkus Card) ENG 170a CC SV.png

Pegatrix x Goreene Ultra (Darkus Card) ENG 170b CC SV.png

Darkus Aurelus Pegatrix x Goreene Ultra (Open).png link=Bakugan Darkus/Aurelus

500 Icon-power.png

1200 Icon-power.png

1 Icon-damage.png

2 Icon-damage.png

Battle Planet Shield BakuCore.pngBattle Planet Shield BakuCore.png Darkus Pegatrix
Aurelus Goreene
Diamond Pegatrix x Goreene Ultra (Haos Card) ENG 138 RA SV.png Diamond Pegatrix x Goreene Ultra (Open).png Diamond Diamond/link=Bakugan Haos/Aurelus 1200 Icon-power.png 10 Icon-damage.png (Evolved from Haos/Aurelus Pegatrix x Goreene Ultra) Diamond Pegatrix
Diamond Goreene

Epic Character Cards[edit]

Epic Character Cards are alternate versions of Character Cards that are included randomly in Fusion Force and Shields of Vestroia card Booster Packs.

Pegatrix x Goreene Ultra Bakulog
Card Card Name Faction B-Power Damage Rating Paired BakuCores Base Bakugan

Pegatrix x Goreene (Haos Card) ENG 232a EC SV.png

Pegatrix x Goreene (Haos Card) ENG 232b EC SV.png

link=Bakugan Haos/Aurelus

500 Icon-power.png

1000 Icon-power.png

4 Icon-damage.png

6 Icon-damage.png

Battle Planet Magic Shield BakuCore.pngBattle Planet Flaming Fist BakuCore.png Haos Pegatrix
Aurelus Goreene

In addition to the above, another Epic Character Card exists that claims to belong to an Aurelus Base version of Haos Aurelus Pegatrix x Goreene Ultra - however, it is suspected to be a misprinted version of an Epic Character Card for Aquos Aurelus Pharol x Gillator Ultra.

Trading Card Game[edit]

Fusion Force[edit]

Shields of Vestroia[edit]
