Endless Evolution

From The Bakugan Wiki

WARNING: Any attributes may have been applied to the card as stickers.

Endless Evolution (終わりなき進化 Owarinaki Shinka)

Red 02.jpg

(Can be used for all attributes. Use before shooting.)
(Bakugan can be shot twice.)
また、シュートする爆丸と同じ属性のパワーアップシールが貼って ある場合、1回目のシュート前に相手の手元のアビリティカードを 全てみることができる。
(Additionally, if the Bakugan you are shooting has a power-up sticker of the same attribute, you can look at all of your opponent's Ability Cards before the first shot.)
Series: Bakugan
Type: Red Ability Card
Attribute Bonuses:
Pyrus.svg Pyrus: N/A
Aquos.svg Aquos: N/A
Subterra.svg Subterra: N/A
Haos.svg Haos: N/A
Darkus.svg Darkus: N/A
Ventus.svg Ventus: N/A

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