Helios (3/3mvb)

From The Bakugan Wiki
For the New Vestroia Blue Helios Ability Card, see Helios (37/48i).
For the Green Helios Ability Card, see Helios (44/48g).

Helios 3-3mvb (NA).jpg

Play during a battle. Your Bakugan gains G-Power based on its Attribute. Move this card to your unused pile after you stand a Helios.
Series: Bakugan: Mechtanium Surge
Type: Blue Ability Card
Power Level: 1
Attribute Bonuses:
Pyrus.svg Pyrus: 100
Aquos.svg Aquos: N/A
Subterra.svg Subterra: N/A
Haos.svg Haos: N/A
Darkus.svg Darkus: 50
Ventus.svg Ventus: 120

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