Freedom Run

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Freedom Run
Episode Guide
Season Bakugan: New Vestroia
Episode No. 9
Previous What's the Plan?
Next Surprise Visitor

Freedom Run is the 9th episode of Bakugan: New Vestroia. It aired on July 4, 2009.


Shun and Ace have made it to the finals, and they prepare to battle Lync and Volt. They were brawling with Altair, and Volt's new Bakugan, Mega Brontes. Meanwhile, Dan and the others head to the Dimension Controller, but lose Marucho on the way. Things only get worse when they discover many other talking Bakugan and then they are captured by guards who are marveled by the speaking Drago. Just then, Marucho drops in and saves them. Things get worse for Shun and Ace, when Lync combines his Ventus Altair with Ventus Bakugan Trap Wired to form Meta Altair, and their Bakugan Traps Hylash and Falcon Fly seem to have no effect against the combo. Shun and Ace discover Altair's weakness: it cannot sense multiple opponents and they manage to defeat Meta Altair. While the others hold off the guards, Dan makes his way to the controller, finding that it is guarded by lasers. He throws Drago through the lasers and he hits the reverse switch, destroying the controller just as Shun and Ace defeat Lync and Volt. The newly freed Bakugan rise up from the ground and everyone in the stadium learn the truth about the Bakugan.

Major events

  • Shun and Ace begin their match with Lync and Volt.
  • Volt is revealed to have obtained a new Bakugan, Haos Brontes.
  • Lync is revealed to be in possession of a second Mechanical Bakugan, Ventus Wired, which can combine with Altair.
  • Dan, Mira, Baron, and Marucho locate all of the Bakugan being held in Alpha City.
  • Shun and Ace defeat Lync and Volt.
  • The Resistance destroys the dimension controller, freeing all of Alpha City's Bakugan.
  • The people of Alpha City learn that the Bakugan are all sentient.

Featured Brawl

Shun Kazami and Ace Grit vs Lync Volan and Volt Luster

Round 1

  • Shun Life Force: 500 Points (100%)
  • Ace Life Force: 500 Points (100%)
  • Lync Life Force: 500 Points (100%)
  • Volt Life Force: 500 Points (100%)

Ace throws in his Gate Card and Percival. (Power: 450 Gs)

Volt throws in Brontes. (Power: 500 Gs)

Ace opens his Gate Card. (Darkus Reactor) (Percival 450 - 650)

Ace activates Darkus Driver. (Percival 650 - 850)

Volt activates Maniactus Magical. (Brontes 500 - 700) (Percival 850 - 650 - 450)

Volt activates Ghost Cell. (Percival 450 - 350)

Shun throws in Ingram. (Power: 400 Gs)

Lync throws in Altair. (Power: 500 Gs)

Rest of the round is not shown.

Lync and Volt win this round.

Round 2

  • Shun Life Force: 250 Points (50%)
  • Ace Life Force: 150 Points (30%)
  • Lync Life Force: 500 Points (100%)
  • Volt Life Force: 500 Points (100%)

Lync is shown to have Altair on the field, with a power level currently at 900 Gs. Shun and Ace have Ingram and Percival on the field, at the power levels of 200 Gs and 250 Gs respectively.'

Shun throws in the Bakugan Trap Hylash. (Power: 350 Gs)

Ace throws in the Bakugan Trap Falcon Fly. (Power: 350 Gs)

Lync throws in the Mechanical Bakugan Trap Wired. (Power: 400 Gs)

Altair combines with Wired to form Meta Altair. (Power: 1850 Gs)

Shun activates the double ability Thunder Power - Glimmering Slash + Wind Power - Soaring Strike Shot.

Ace activates the double ability Fly Enemy + Tri-Gunner.

Lync activates the double ability Aura Cannon + Hyper Cannon.

Ingram, Hylash, Percival and Falcon Fly get knocked out.

  • Shun Life Force: 150 Points (30%)
  • Ace Life Force: 50 Points (10%)

Lync and Volt win this round.

Round 3

  • Shun Life Force: 150 Points (30%)
  • Ace Life Force: 50 Points (10%)
  • Lync Life Force: 500 Points (100%)
  • Volt Life Force: 500 Points (100%)

Start of the round is not shown. Lync has Meta Altair on the field, with a Power Level of 1450. Shun and Ace have Ingram and Percival on the field, still at their base values.

Ace activates Misty Shadow. (Meta Altair 1450 - 900)

Shun activates Shadow Split.

Ace activates Tri-Gunner. (Meta Altair 900 - 800)

Rest of the round is not shown.

  • Volt Life Force: 400 Points (80%)
  • Lync Life Force: 300 Points (60%)

Shun and Ace win this round.

Round 4

  • Shun Life Force: 150 Points (30%)
  • Ace Life Force: 50 Points (10%)
  • Lync Life Force: 300 Points (60%)
  • Volt Life Force: 400 Points (80%)

Start of the round is not shown. Lync has Meta Altair on the field, with a Power Level of 1450. Volt has Brontes on the field, still at base level. Shun and Ace have Ingram, Hylash and Percival on the field, still at their base levels.'

Ace activates the double ability Night Explorer + Tri-Gunner.

Volt activates the ability Maniactus Magical, nullifying Percival's abilities. (Brontes 500 - 700)

Volt activates the ability Darkus Scythe. (Percival 450 - 250)

Ace activates the double ability Flash Maiden + Darkus Thunder. (Percival 250 - 450 - 750) (Brontes 700 - 500 - 300)

Brontes gets knocked out.

  • Volt Life Force: 0

Lync activates the ability Spinal Saucer.

Shun activates Armored Victory and blocks Lync's ability.

Lync activates the ability Hybrid Cannon.

Shun activates Continuous Dance - Phoenix Position.

Shun then activates the double ability Thunderbolt Torrential Wave + Thunder Power - Glimmering Slash. (Meta Altair 1550 - 1250) (Ingram and Hylash 950 - 1150 - 1350 - 1550)

Meta Altair fails from the sustained attacks and gets knocked out.

  • Lync Life Force:0

Shun and Ace win the battle.

Bakugan Debuts

Bakugan Seen

Bakugan Trap Debuts

Bakugan Trap Seen


  • During the battle Volt activities a Double Ability with Brontes but he actually activated one ability instead of two.
