A Combination Battle

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A Combination Battle
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Episode Guide
Season Bakugan Battle Brawlers
Episode No. 6
Previous Runo Rules
Next Bakugan Idol

A Combination Battle is the sixth episode Bakugan Battle Brawlers. It aired on May 10, 2007 in Japan and September 9th, 2007 in North America.                      


Dan and Runo, now knowing that they live in the same town, go to the amusement park for a day off. When they go to watch a magic show, they are both called to the stage to pick a card by a set of twins named Kenta and Kenji. Dan makes his choice, and chooses the Doom Card. Dan and Runo argue about who is going to battle but Kenta and Kenji suggest that they do a "combination battle".

Major events[edit]

  • Twins named Kenta and Kenji begin working for Masquerade.
  • Dan and Runo battle Kenta and Kenji in a tag battle and win.

Featured Brawls[edit]

Battle at the Amusement Park[edit]

Dan, Kenta, Runo, and Kenji all activate the Bakugan field as reality slows to a halt.

Round 1[edit]

  • Dan's Bakugan Remaining (BR): 3/3
  • Kenta's Bakugan Remaining (BR): 3/3
  • Runo's Bakugan Remaining(BR): 3/3
  • Kenji's Bakugan Remaining(BR): 3/3

Kenta and Kenji both set their Doom Cards.

Dan throws out his Gate Card in front of Kenji.

Kenta throws out his Gate Card in front of Runo.

Runo throws out her Gate Card in front of Kenta.

Kenji throws out his Gate Card in front of Dan.

Kenta throws out Pyrus Robotallion onto his own Gate Card. (Power: 330 Gs)

Kenta activates Robotallion Enforcement on Robotallion, increasing his Power Level by 50 Gs per turn for the rest of the game. (Robotallion: 380 Gs)

Dan throws out Pyrus Griffon onto his own Gate Card. (Power: 350 Gs)

Kenji throws out Darkus Mantris onto his own Gate Card. (Power: 350 Gs)

Kenji activates Marionette and uses it to move Griffon over to Robotallion's card. (Robotallion: 380 Gs - Griffon: 350 Gs). The Gate Card opens and was likely a Pyrus Normal card. Griffon is wiped out by Robotallion's punch attack and is sent to the Doom Dimension. Robotallion returns to Kenta in ball form. Kenta's first Gate Card vanishes.

Dan's Bakugan Remaining: 2/3

Kenta wins this round.

Round 2[edit]

  • Dan's BR: 2/3 ~ Kenta's BR: 3/3 ~ Runo's BR: 3/3 ~ Kenji's BR: 3/3

Bakugan remaining on the field: Kenji's Mantris

Runo throws out Haos Serpenoid against Mantris. (Power: 300 Gs)

Runo activates Combination of Haos and Darkus, using her Serpenoid as the Haos source and Kenji's Mantris as the Darkus source, and increasing Serpenoid's Power Level by 50 Gs per source present. (Serpenoid: 400 Gs - Mantris: 350 Gs)

Kenji opens his Gate Card (Level Down), which lowers the opponent's Power Level by 100 Gs if it is rated 400 Gs or more. (Mantris: 350 Gs - Serpenoid: 300 Gs) Serpenoid ("Snakie") gets wiped out by Mantris' twin slash attack and is sent to the Doom Dimension. Mantris returns to Kenji in ball form. Kenji's first Gate Card vanishes.

Runo's Bakugan Remaining: 2/3

Kenji wins this round.

Round 3[edit]

  • Dan's BR: 2/3 ~ Kenta's BR: 3/3 ~ Runo's BR: 2/3 ~ Kenji's BR: 3/3

Bakugan remaining on the field: None

Kenta sets another Gate Card next to Runo's first Gate Card.

Kenta throws out Pyrus Robotallion onto his newly set Gate Card. (Power: 380 Gs)

Dan sets another Gate Card in front of himself.

Dan throws out Pyrus Saurus onto his newly set Gate Card. (Power: 290 Gs)

Dan activates Power Charge on Saurus, increasing his Power Level by 100 Gs and allowing him to attack any Bakugan on the field. (Saurus: 390 Gs)

Kenji throws out Darkus Centipoid against Saurus. (Power: 360 Gs)

Kenji activates Pyrus VS. Darkus on Centipoid, increasing its Power Level by 100 Gs against Pyrus opponents. (Centipoid: 460 Gs - Saurus: 390 Gs)

Dan opens his Gate Card. (Pyrus Normal: +50 Gs). (Saurus: 440 Gs - Centipoid: 460 Gs) Saurus gets wiped out by Centipoid's squeezing attack and is sent to the Doom Dimension. Centipoid returns to Kenji in ball form. Dan's second Gate Card vanishes.

Dan's Bakugan Remaining: 1/3

Kenji wins this round.

Round 4[edit]

  • Dan's BR: 1/3 ~ Kenta's BR: 3/3 ~ Runo's BR: 2/3 ~ Kenji's BR: 3/3

Bakugan remaining on the field: Kenta's Robotallion

Runo sets another Gate Card in front of herself.

Runo throws out Haos Saurus onto her newly set Gate Card. (Power: 290 Gs)

Kenta throws out Pyrus Siege against Saurus. (Power: ? Gs)

Kenta activates Fire Sword on Siege. (Siege: ? Gs - Saurus: 290 Gs)

Runo opens her Gate Card (Triple Battle), blocking Siege's attack on Saurus.

Dan throws out Pyrus Drago against Siege. (Power: 340 Gs)

Dan activates Boosted Dragon on Drago, increasing his Power Level by 100 Gs. (Drago & Saurus: 730 Gs - Siege: ? Gs). Siege gets wiped out by both Saurus' ramming attack and Drago's fire breathing attack, and returns to Kenta in ball form. Drago returns to Dan and Saurus returns to Runo, both in ball forms. Runo's second Gate Card vanishes.

Kenta's Bakugan Remaining: 2/3

Dan and Runo both win this round.

Round 5[edit]

  • Dan's Bakugan Remaining: 1/3
  • Kenta's Bakugan Remaining: 2/3
  • Runo's Bakugan Remaining: 2/3
  • Kenji's Bakugan Remaining: 3/3

Bakugan remaining on the field: Kenta's Robotallion

Kenji sets another Gate Card next to Dan's first Gate Card.

Kenji throws out Darkus Reaper onto his newly set Gate Card. (Power: 370 Gs)

Runo throws out Haos Saurus onto the first Gate Card she had set. (Power: 290 Gs)

Runo activates Shade Ability, nullifying Robotallion's Ability Card. (Robotallion: 330 Gs)

Kenta throws out Pyrus Gargonoid against Saurus. (Power: 340 Gs)

Runo opens her Gate Card (Haos Normal: +150 Gs). (Saurus: 440 Gs - Gargonoid: 340 Gs)

Kenta activates Backfire, nullifying the opponent's Gate Card. (Gargonoid: 340 Gs - Saurus: 290 Gs).

Runo activates Cut-in Saber, allowing her to throw out Haos Tigrerra (Power: 340 Gs) against Gargonoid. (Saurus & Tigrerra: 630 Gs - Gargonoid: 340 Gs). Gargonoid gets wiped out by both Saurus' ramming attack and Tigrerra's slashing attack, and returns to Kenta in ball form. Saurus and Tigrerra both return to Runo in ball forms. Runo's first Gate Card vanishes.

Kenta's Bakugan Remaining: 1/3

Runo wins this round.

Round 6[edit]

  • Dan's BR: 1/3 ~ Kenta's BR: 1/3 ~ Runo's BR: 2/3 ~ Kenji's BR: 3/3

Bakugan remaining on the field: Kenta's Robotallion and Kenji's Reaper

Dan throws out Pyrus Drago against Reaper. (Power: 340 Gs)

Kenji opens his Gate Card (Darkus Normal: +50 Gs). (Reaper: 420 Gs - Drago: 340 Gs)

Dan activates Boosted Dragon. (Drago: 440 Gs - Reaper: 420 Gs). Reaper gets wiped out by Drago's fire breathing attack and returns to Kenji in ball form. Drago returns to Dan in ball form. Kenji's second Gate Card vanishes.

Kenji's Bakugan Remaining: 2/3

Dan wins this round.

Round 7[edit]

  • Dan's BR: 1/3 ~ Kenta's BR: 1/3 ~ Runo's BR: 2/3 ~ Kenji's BR: 2/3

Bakugan remaining on the field: Kenta's Robotallion

Kenji sets his final Gate Card in front of Kenta.

Kenji throws out Darkus Mantris onto his newly set Gate Card. (Power: 350 Gs)

Runo sets her final Gate Card in front of Dan.

Runo throws out Haos Saurus onto her newly set Gate Card. (Power: 290 Gs)

Dan sets his final Gate Card in front of Kenta's second Gate Card.

Dan throws out Pyrus Drago against Robotallion. (Power: 440 Gs). Drago activates Boosted Dragon on himself. (Drago: 540 Gs - Robotallion: 330 Gs). Robotallion gets wiped out by Drago's fire breathing attack and returns to Kenta in ball form. Drago returns to Dan in ball form. Kenta's second Gate Card vanishes.

Kenta's Bakugan Remaining: 0/3 ~ Kenta loses the game.

Dan wins this round.

Round 8[edit]

  • Dan's BR: 1/3 ~ Runo's BR: 2/3 ~ Kenji's BR: 2/3

Bakugan remaining on the field: Kenji's Mantris and Runo's Saurus

Kenji throws out Darkus Centipoid against Saurus. (Power: 360 Gs)

Runo opens her Gate Card (Quartet Battle).

Dan throws out Pyrus Drago against Centipoid. (Power: 440 Gs). (Drago & Saurus: 730 Gs - Centipoid: 360 Gs). Centipoid gets wiped out by both Saurus' ramming attack and Drago's fire breathing attack, and returns to Kenji in ball form. Drago returns to Dan and Saurus returns to Runo, both in ball forms. Runo's final Gate Card vanishes.

Kenji's Bakugan Remaining: 1/3

Dan and Runo both win this round.

Round 9[edit]

  • Dan's BR: 1/3 ~ Runo's BR: 2/3 ~ Kenji's BR: 1/3

Bakugan remaining on the field: Kenji's Mantris

Kenji activates Twin Machete on Mantris, increasing his Power Level by 100 Gs. (Mantris: 450 Gs)

Runo throws out Haos Saurus onto the final Gate Card Dan had set. (Power: 290 Gs)

Dan throws out Pyrus Drago against Mantris. (Power: 440 Gs)

Dan, Runo, and Drago all open Kenji's Gate Card (Quartet Battle), allowing Tigrerra to join the battle.

Runo throws out Haos Tigrerra (Power: 340 Gs) against Mantris. (Drago & Tigrerra: 780 Gs - Mantris: 450 Gs). Mantris gets wiped out by both Drago's and Tigrerra's head-butting attacks, and returns to Kenji in ball form. Drago returns to Dan and Tigrerra returns to Runo, both in ball forms. Kenji's final Gate Card vanishes. Reality returns to normal as the Bakugan field collapses.

Kenji's Bakugan Remaining: 0/3 ~ Kenji loses the game.

Dan and Runo both win this round.


  • Dan's BR: 1/3 ~ Kenta's BR: 0/3 ~ Runo's BR: 2/3 ~ Kenji's BR: 0/3

Winning team is Dan and Runo.

Character Debuts[edit]

Bakugan Seen[edit]


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