Dan and Drago

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Dan and Drago
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Episode Guide
Season Bakugan Battle Brawlers
Episode No. 4
Previous A Feud Between Friends
Next Runo Rules

Dan and Drago is the fourth episode of Bakugan Battle Brawlers. It aired on April 25th, 2007 in Japan and September 6th, 2007 in North America.


Dan is having a hard time without Drago around. He accidentally makes his friend Ryo to drop his laptop and runs off in disbelief, leaving Ryo feeling sad. Later, Masquerade takes advantage of Ryo's resentment and lends him some Darkus Bakugan, including his very own Reaper, so he can challenge Dan to a brawl. Without Drago to help him, Dan ends up losing to Ryo and three of his Bakugan are sent to the Doom Dimension.

After his loss, Dan finds Drago and they make amends with each other. Dan attempts to reconcile with Ryo as well, but he's still under Masquerade's influence, and a second battle is on! Dan manages to beat Ryo this time, breaks Masquerade's influence over him, and all ends well... for now.

Featured Brawls

Battle at Dan's School

Round 1
Dan Kuso 3/3 Bakugan Remaining
Ryo 3/3 Bakugan Remaining
Ryo sets the Doom Card, then Dan and Ryo both set their Gate Cards against each other.
Ryo throws Darkus Fear Ripper onto his own Gate Card. Darkus Fear Ripper: 320 Gs
Dan sets another Gate Card to the left of Ryo's, then throws Pyrus Terrorclaw onto his newly-set Gate Card. Pyrus Terrorclaw: 280 Gs
Ryo sets another Gate Card in front of Dan's newly-set Gate Card, then throws Darkus Mantris onto his newly-set Gate Card. He activates
MarionetteMove a Bakugan over to another Gate Card
and defeats Terrorclaw, sending it to the Doom Dimension. Mantris returns to Ryo in ball form and second Gate Card vanishes.
Darkus Mantris: 290 Gs
290 Gs > 280 Gs
Ryo wins this round
Round 2
Dan Kuso 2/3 Bakugan Remaining
Ryo 3/3 Bakugan Remaining
250 HSP
Ryo's Darkus Fear Ripper remains on the field from the previous round.
Dan throws Pyrus Juggernoid onto his second Gate Card, while Ryo throws Darkus Mantris against Juggernoid.
Pyrus Juggernoid: ??? Gs
Darkus Fear Ripper: 320 Gs
Darkus Mantris: 290 Gs
Ryo activates Doom Companion to automatically send Mantris and Juggernoid to the Doom Dimension. Dan's second Gate Card vanishes.
The round ends in a tie (Ryo has the advantage)
Round 3
Dan Kuso 1/3 Bakugan Remaining
Ryo 2/3 Bakugan Remaining
250 HSP
Ryo's Darkus Fear Ripper remains on the field from the previous round.
Dan throws out Pyrus Robotallion against Fear Ripper, then activates
Robotallion Enforcement+50 Gs to Robotallion
to defeat Fear Ripper.
Both Bakugan return to their owners in ball form and Ryo's first Gate Card vanishes.
Pyrus Robotallion: 310 Gs →
360 GsRobotallion Enforcement: +50 Gs

Darkus Fear Ripper: 320 Gs
360 Gs > 320 Gs
Dan wins this round
Round 4
Dan Kuso 1/3 Bakugan Remaining
400 HSP
Ryo 1/3 Bakugan Remaining
250 HSP
Ryo throws Darkus Reaper onto Dan's remaining Gate Card, while Dan throws Pyrus Robotallion against Reaper. Pyrus Robotallion:
360 GsRobotallion Enforcement is still in effect from last round

Darkus Reaper: 370 Gs
Dan opens his
Gate CardPyrus Normal: +150 Gs
, but Ryo nullifies it with
Dimension 4Negates previous Gate Card's effect; only effective against Attribute-types
and defeats Robotallion, sending it to the Doom Dimension.
Reaper returns to Ryo in ball form and Dan's first Gate Card vanishes.
Pyrus Robotallion:
510 GsPyrus Normal Gate Card: +150 Gs
360 GsDimension 4 negated the Gate Card effect

Darkus Reaper: 370 Gs
370 Gs > 360 Gs
Ryo wins this round
Dan Kuso 0/3 Bakugan Remaining Ryo 1/3 Bakugan Remaining
Ryo wins

Second Battle at Dan's School

Round 1
Dan Kuso 3/3 Bakugan Remaining
Ryo 3/3 Bakugan Remaining
Ryo sets the Doom Card, then Dan and Ryo both set their Gate Cards against each other.
Ryo sets another Gate Card to the right of his previous Gate Card (off-screen), then throws Darkus Fear Ripper onto his first Gate Card. Darkus Fear Ripper: 320 Gs
Dan throws Pyrus Gargonoid onto Ryo's second Gate Card. Pyrus Garganoid: 320 Gs
Ryo sets his final Gate Card in front of his second Gate Card, then throws Darkus Mantris onto it.
He activates Marionette to move Gargonoid over to Fear Ripper's card, then opens his
Gate CardDarkus Normal: +80 Gs
Darkus Mantris: 290 Gs
Darkus Fear Ripper:
400 GsDarkus Normal Gate Card: +80 Gs
Dan activates
Fire Wall-50 Gs to an opponent
, but it is not enough to save Gargonoid, and it is sent to the Doom Dimension. Fear Ripper returns to Ryo in ball form and Ryo's first Gate Card vanishes.
Pyrus Garganoid: 320 Gs
Darkus Fear Ripper:
350 GsFire Wall: -50 Gs

350 Gs > 320 Gs
Ryo wins this round
Round 2
Dan Kuso 2/3 Bakugan Remaining
Ryo 3/3 Bakugan Remaining
350 HSP
Ryo's Darkus Mantris remains on the field from the previous round.
Dan throws Pyrus Drago onto his own Gate Card, while Ryo throws Darkus Fear Ripper against him.
Pyrus Drago: 340 Gs
Darkus Fear Ripper: 320 Gs
Darkus Mantris: 290 Gs
Ryo activates
Slash Zero+80 Gs to Fear Ripper
on Fear Ripper, but Dan uses his Gate Card
InterceptPrevents opponent from attacking
to stop the attack.
Pyrus Drago: 340 Gs
Darkus Fear Ripper:
400 GsSlash Zero: +80 Gs

No battle happens due to Intercept
Dan throws Pyrus Mantris onto Ryo's second Gate Card, then activates Marionette to move Fear Ripper over to Darkus Mantris' card. To Ryo's horror, his Gate Card (
Mine GhostAutomatically defeats any Bakugan on it[1]
) opens. Both Fear Ripper and Darkus Mantris are wiped out, and possibly sent to the Doom Dimension. Drago returns to Dan in ball form, and Dan's first and Ryo's final Gate Cards both vanish.
Pyrus Mantris: ??? Gs
Dan wins this round
Round 3
Dan Kuso 2/3 Bakugan Remaining
450 HSP
Ryo 1/3 Bakugan Remaining
350 HSP
Dan's Pyrus Mantris remains on the field from the previous round.
Ryo throws out Darkus Reaper against Mantris, then opens his
Gate CardUnknown effect; Command Card
to defeat Mantris and send it to the Doom Dimension. Reaper returns to Ryo in ball form and Ryo's second Gate Card vanishes.
Pyrus Mantris: ??? Gs
Darkus Reaper: 370 Gs
370 Gs > ??? Gs
Ryo wins this round
Round 4
Dan Kuso 1/3 Bakugan Remaining
400 HSP
Ryo 1/3 Bakugan Remaining
550 HSP
Dan sets another Gate Card in front of Ryo, then throws Pyrus Drago onto it.
Ryo throws out Darkus Reaper against him.
Pyrus Drago: 340
Darkus Reaper: 370 Gs
Dan opens his
Gate CardDragonoid Character Card: Doubles Drago's Gs
, which Ryo attempts to counter with Dimension 4. However, since Dan's Gate Card was Character-type rather than Attribute-type, Dimension 4 has no effect.
Drago then activates
Boosted Dragon+100 Gs to Dragonoid
and defeats Reaper, who then returns to Masquerade. Drago returns to Dan in ball form and his second Gate Card vanishes.
Pyrus Drago:
680 GsDragonoid Character Gate Card: Doubles his Gs
780 GsBoosted Dragon: +100 Gs

Darkus Reaper: 370 Gs
780 Gs > 370 Gs
Dan wins this round
Dan Kuso 1/3 Bakugan Remaining Ryo 0/3 Bakugan Remaining
Dan wins


Differences between Japanese and English versions

  • Loading screen on Ryo's computer in Japanese version is white/blue simplistic design with text written in Bakugan-style kana. English version has similar style to the in-show Bakugan site, and it is a log-in screen.
