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Special Treatment are Legacy (Unofficial name) Bakugan with an altered appearance in their color/paint. Most of these Bakugan qualify for certain Gate and Ability Cards and have special abilities.

Special Treatments return as Variants in the Bakugan Generation 2 (Bakugan Battle Planet, Bakugan: Armored Alliance, Bakugan: Geogan Rising).

Types of Special Treatments[edit]


Image Name Description Released in
Cosmic hyper draganoid.gif Flip/BakuFlip Flip Bakugan are a type of Special Treatment Bakugan, all Bakugan in this series have their colors "flipped", for example, Haos Bakugan would normally be grey with gold trim, in Flip treatment, they are gold with white trim. They don't have any effect in battle except being counted as Special Treatment Bakugan. The color schemes are:
  • Aquos - Usually blue with lime-colored trim, but now lime with blue-colored trim.
  • Darkus - Usually black with purple-colored trim, but now purple with black-colored trim.
  • Haos - Usually white with gold-colored trim, but now gold with white-colored trim.
  • Pyrus - Usually red with orange-colored trim, but now orange with red-colored trim.
  • Subterra - Usually brown with tan-colored trim, but now tan with brown-colored trim. This resembles the Gundalian Invaders color scheme for Subterra Bakugan.
  • Ventus - Usually lime-green with a dark-green colored trim, but now dark-green with a lime-green

Ventus - Usually lime-green with a dark-green colored trim, but now dark-green with a lime-green trim. This resembles the Gundalian Invaders color scheme for Ventus Bakugan.

Aquos Ventus Wavern.jpg Dual Attribute Dual Attribute Bakugan have two Attributes. These Bakugan can choose which one of their attributes they want to use when a battle begins. It is after this that attribute-changing effects such as Clear and Translucent are used.

A Dual Attribute Bakugan is a Bakugan with the coloration and thus the attribute of two elements. They are considered Special Treatment Bakugan. When a Dual Attribute Bakugan is played, the player must pick between one of the two attributes for their Bakugan to become once the Gate Card is revealed during battle.

Naga, Apollonir, Frosch, Lars Lion, Oberus, Clayf, and Exedra are the only Bakugan with this treatment. The idea of Dual Attributes were expanded on with theBakuMutant Bakugan in season 4 and Fusion in the Bakugan Generation 2.

Bakuimages 127.JPG BakuBronze BakuBronze are Bakugan with a bronze paint treatment.
Bakubronze storm.jpg Bronze Attack Bronze Attack is a treatment with black colored Bakugan with bronze parts. Each Bakugan comes with a special bronze Ability Card. Each Bakugan in this series has a set Attribute and G-Power. Bakugan with this treatment include Dragonoid, Neo Dragonoid, Storm Skyress, Hammer Gorem, Diablo, Wilda, Fourtress, Ravenoid, and Apollonir.
Alto Brontes Bakusteel Silver Black Haos 640g.JPG BakuSteel The Bakugan with this treatment are brushed with silver paint to look steel-colored. The treatment returned in Bakugan: Mechtanium Surge in the form of BakuSteel Traps with added diecast metal.
Patryk Jan Cesarz 1657734 (48).jpg BakuCore A series of Bakugan Special Treatments. The special Bakugan in this series have a black, dark brown or silver if it's Darkus shading. It looks partly BakuSteel and partly a normal Bakugan. A Darkus BakuCore Bakugan, due to its black coloring, looks nearly identical to a BakuSteel Bakugan.

BakuTech Treatments[edit]

Image Name Description Released in
4979750781773.jpg Kai The reissued older releases of the BakuTech series bear the suffix of Kai (改, kai?) after their names. Kai is from the Japanese verb meaning "modify" or the noun meaning "reformation." As the suffix suggests, each of the Kai releases have a different color palette from the original releases. More importantly, each of them has some of the plastic non-Convert Parts, usually located at the lower part of the Bakugan, changed into metal, which lowers the center of gravity of and gives extra weight to the Bakugan, consequently increasing its defensive power. However, the change of the center of gravity may make the Bakugan only suitable for curve shoot with its Convert Parts unchanged.

The BakuTech released as Kai are Blan Shoult, Zak Jaguard, Killer Volca, and G-Ganorada. Saint Aquas

IMG 2779.jpg BakuMetallic BakuMetallic is a Japan-exclusive Special Treatment consisting of chrome-plated shiny metallic single-color BakuTech. They were usually given out as special prizes to online campaigns and official tournaments in Japan.

Two types of BakuMetallic color scheme exist:

The BakuMetallic BakuTech which are colored in accordance to the main color of the BakuTech in their regular paint scheme. These are usually given through special campaigns like the Anime Premiere Campaign and/or lottery draws. The gold, silver and copper which were given as prizes to the champion, first runner-up and second runner-up of official tournaments respectively.

4979750781735 2.jpg Blue Blaze Blue Blaze are recolored Pyrus Bakugan that are now in a Blue color. This treatment is exclusive to only Pyrus Bakugan.

The following Bakugan was released in Blue Blaze Color:


Image Name Description Released in
Translucent Aquos Preyas.jpg Translucent Translucent Bakugan are Bakugan that at the beginning of battle can either choose to keep their assigned Attribute or change it to their opponent's. The treatment is as their name says, Translucent. There are BakuTech Translucent Bakugan types such as Clear Blue and Yellow Clear.
Haos bakulyte Abis Omega by redryan2001.jpg BakuLyte BakuLyte is another version of Translucent Bakugan. A few series 1 and 2 Bakugan looked like BakuLyte Bakugan so it's hard to tell if a Bakugan is a BakuLyte Bakugan, so Neon and Solar are considered part of the Lyte/Translucent series.
Screen shot 2011-05-31 at 3.32.43 PM.png BakuNeon Neon Bakugan are Translucent Bakugan with neon light color tone instead of the usual one. Neon Bakugan in some Attributes, such as Aquos and Subterra are often mistaken as normal translucent Bakugan. The only difference between regular Translucent and Neon Bakugan in these Attributes is that Neon have lighter color tone. BakuNeon Bakugan available include Abis Omega, Neo Dragonoid, Wilda, Cosmic Ingram, Percival, Nemus, Brontes, Midnight Percival, Pyro Dragonoid, Ingram, Atmos, and Leefram.
BakuSolar Atomos.jpg BakuSolar BakuSolar are Translucent Bakugan in solar orange color and yellow highlight but not always in Pyrus. It was released in the second B3 Wave but its release didn't last long. Bakugan that were available in Solar treatment are Freezer, Ultra Dragonoid, Stug, Atmos, Hyper Dragonoid, Viper Helios, Shadow Vulcan, Abis Omega, Ingram, and Myriad Hades.
FusionPhantom.png BakuPhantom BakuPhantom were Translucent Bakugan released in Bakugan: Mechtanium Surge. They were exclusive to Europe and Bakugan in this treatment included Fusion Dragonoid Skytruss, Jaakor, Orbeum, Kodokor, Mutabrid, and Reptak.


Image Name Description Released in
HeliosMK2clear.jpg Clear Clear Bakugan have no attribute symbol and have a clear body. Clear Bakugan come in Booster Packs and in triad sets. At the start of a battle, Clear Bakugan take on the attribute of your opponent's Bakugan. If both players have a clear Bakugan, they both get to pick which attribute they want for that battle.
Hyperdrago-crystal.jpg BakuCrystal A type of Clear Bakugan. Their color is clear with painted non-translucent accent. The accent color could be any color because the BakuCrystal Bakugan contain no attribute and are referred to as clear.
Helios-pyrus-half.jpg BakuMutation BakuMutation Bakugan are a type of Special Treatment that were produced during New Vestroia. They were in the B3 series. All Bakugan in this series are half one Attribute and half Clear. Bakugan released in this treatment were Leefram, Cyborg Helios, Ingram, Hyper Dragonoid, Wired, and Scraper.

They have a special ruling unique to themselves: "They may take the opposing Bakugan's attribute if the opposing Bakugan is a Special Treatment Bakugan".


Image Name Description Released in
Bakuimages 123.JPG Pearl Pearl Bakugan are Bakugan that at the beginning of battle can either choose to gain their regular Gate Attribute Bonus or a highlighted one. They have pearl white as their main color and outlined with their original Attribute body color. Pearl Bakugan were first found in BakuTins.
Pearl Myrid Hades.jpeg BakuFrost Frost Bakugan are Pearl Bakugan with glittered and more yellowish-white body compared with the usual one. They also have silver highlights instead of highlights in their Attribute color, however, sometimes a small part of the highlight in regular secondary color is kept.
I91.jpg Crimson and Pearl Crimson and Pearl Bakugan are a type of Special Treatment Bakugan exclusive to Target. They all have a red and white and some with dark metallic gray color scheme. They are treated as Pearl Bakugan, and during gameplay, these Bakugan have the option of taking the highlighted Gate bonus instead of their normal Gate Attribute bonus. Bakugan released in this treatment include:


Image Name Description Released in
BakuCon 2007G Dragonoid.jpg Limited Edition Metal Neo Dragonoid This Neo Dragonoid is made out of metal and has the highest G-Power in the original Bakugan game, 2007G. It was given to the winner of Baku-Con.
Limited Edition (Generation 2)
  • Gold
  • BakuMetallix
  • BakuExo Skin
  • BakuEvolutions (Die-cast lumino)
