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Revision as of 00:10, 23 August 2019 by Zie (talk | contribs) (Bakulog)

Faction Darkus Darkus
Voiced by Julie Lemieux

Phaedrus is a Bakugan Battle Planet chinese dragon-like Bakugan that was seen on a poster at the Bakugan Sneak Peek showcasing various Ventus Bakugan.[1] She first appears in Stratified seeking the help of The Awesome Ones in order to save her friends who are trapped in "The Maze" and later becomes the third partner Bakugan of Lightning.



A gentle and wise creature with incredible strength, Phaedrus is a perfect balance to Lightning’s other Bakugan, Howlkor. In battle, she is highly intuitive and strategic. When she’s deployed, Lightning rides into battle on her back. The two are perfectly compatible friends and share a mutual respect for one another.


Bakugan Battle Planet

The Awesome Ones meet with Benton Dusk and are introduced to Phaedrus. She asks the AO for help to rescue her friends who were captured by Strata the Hunter in a mysterious labyrinth, dubbed The Maze. She travels with Lightning alongside the other members of the AO in a mission to free her friends.

Phaedrus rescues her friends and they return to Benton Dusk, but the other members of the AO (sans Lightning) are attacked by Strata and his Krakelios and fall into a hole, becoming trapped in the maze.[2]

Physical Game


Phaedrus Bakulog
Card Image Faction B-Power Damage Rating Paired BakuCores Included In
Phaedrus (Pyrus Card) 229 CC BR.jpg 125px Pyrus Pyrus Icon-power.png300 5 Icon-damage.png Battle Planet Flaming Fist BakuCore.pngBattle Planet Flaming Fist BakuCore.png
Phaedrus (Aquos Card) 248 CC BR.jpg 125px Aquos Aquos Icon-power.png200 8 Icon-damage.png Battle Planet Fist BakuCore.pngBattle Planet Fist BakuCore.png
  • Unreleased
Phaedrus (Haos Card) 216 CC BR.jpg 125px Haos Haos Icon-power.png300 6 Icon-damage.png Battle Planet Flaming Fist BakuCore.pngBattle Planet Shield BakuCore.png
Phaedrus (Ventus Card) 240 CC BR.jpg 125px Ventus Ventus Icon-power.png300 5 Icon-damage.png Battle Planet Flaming Fist BakuCore.pngBakuCore Helix Symbol.png
Phaedrus (Darkus Card) 203 CC BR.jpg 125px Darkus Darkus Icon-power.png300 5 Icon-damage.png Battle Planet Magic Shield BakuCore.pngBakuCore Helix Symbol.png
  • Darkus Phaedrus Single Pack
Phaedrus (Diamond Card) 108 RA BR.jpg 125px Diamond Diamond/Darkus Darkus Icon-power.png700 9 Icon-damage.png (Evolved from Darkus Phaedrus)

Phaedrus Ultra Bakulog
Card Image Faction B-Power Damage Rating Paired BakuCores Included In
125px Pyrus Phaedrus ultra.png Pyrus Pyrus Icon-power.png??? ??? Icon-damage.png Unknown BakuCores
  • Unreleased (seen at Toy Fair 2019)
125px Aquos Phaedrus Ultra (demo) NYTF19.PNG Aquos Aquos Icon-power.png??? ??? Icon-damage.png Unknown BakuCores
  • Aquos Phaedrus Ultra Single Pack (Unreleased)
Phaedrus Ultra (Ventus Card) 241 CC BR (cropped).jpg 125px Ventus Ventus Icon-power.png400 4 Icon-damage.png Battle Planet Flaming Fist BakuCore.pngBattle Planet Fist BakuCore.png
Phaedrus Ultra (Aurelus Card) 188 CC BR.jpg ???.png Aurelus Aurelus Icon-power.png700 1 Icon-damage.png Battle Planet Flaming Fist BakuCore.pngBattle Planet Fist BakuCore.png
  • (Unreleased)


Phaedrus Evos
Evo Card Faction Name Energy Cost B-Power Damage Rating Evolves From
Phaedrus (Diamond Card) 108 RA BR.jpg Diamond Phaedrus Diamond Diamond/Darkus Darkus 4 Battle Planet Energy Symbol.png Icon-power.png700 9 Icon-damage.png Evolved from Darkus Phaedrus



Physical Game

Character Art


Bakugan Resurgence
