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19 bytes removed, 08:18, 5 May 2019
*The shielding system may have been inspired from the [[w:c:nanoha:AMF|Anti Magilink Field]] system of Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha because both shields render any attacks useless from its adversary, however unlike the AMF system physical attacks have no effect against a Mechtogan's shield.
*In the anime, Mechtogan seem to be more powerful than Bakugan, whereas in the game, they are much weaker than Bakugan, having about 100-200 Gs (In the anime, the power levels weren't shown).
*When Slycerak, Exostriker, and Mandibor were resurrected in ''[[Enemy Infiltration]]'', the distress message sent by Skytruss and Orbeum said that the Mechtogan had a dangerously high power level after being resurrected. This suggested that since not only their initial appearance in ''[[Evil Arrival]]'' but also their subsequent appearances before this episode, their G-Power (although not shown) was slowly increasing. This indicates Mechtogan can grow stronger and evolve just like Bakugan.